This is for anyone who wants to finally own Passive Income Assets Like The Rich

‘’I’ll Personally Help You Build & Launch Your First Digital Real Estate’’ 

…taking you from idea, to launch & to your First Paying Clients.

You have watched my videos & read my posts…you have seen it is a good idea to own digital real estate…and you are ready to get started…

…but you are now FACED with THREE problem:

Problem 1: You Need a Digital Real Estate Idea That Will Pay

This is the most important part,
You want to build digital real estate but

  • there is no idea coming to your head now of what to sell on it,
  • or you are wondering whether the Idea you have now will even be profitable, or if people will even be willing to pay for it.
  • or maybe you don’t know how to package the idea you have in such a way that people will want to pay for it.

If you get this part wrong you will have a digital real estate that is an equivalent of an uncompleted building. You waste time building it, but nobody wants it.

I have seen people spend 6 months, even 10 months building a digital real estate that nobody wants to pay for.

  In fact, the digital real estate idea is the most important thing you need to work on first, a good one will make you a lot of money

Problem 2: You Are Overwhelmed & Don’t Know Where to Start

Now you want to get started, but you are confused…you don’t know the exact step by step path to follow…

or maybe you do, but you are not sure of the mistakes to avoid & the strategies that are guaranteed to give you the best results with your digital real estate.

You need me to take you by the hand, and tell you what to do - in a step by step, easy to understand way.

And when you make mistakes, you’d like someone to point it out & correct you till you have a fully functional digital real estate that pay

Problem 3: When Your Digital Real Estate is Built & Ready - How do You get your First 100 Customers?

Let’s face it; the only reason you want digital real estate is to make money from it.

The only way you will make money with it is if you get customers.

So if you have a fully digital real estate platform, how do you get the first 70-100 people willing to pay you?

Where do you find them? And what do you say to them to give you money - and how can you attract them without leaving your home, chasing after them or working non-stop?

I’ll Help You Solve These 3 Problems in My One on One Coaching Program

  • Imagine if you I could help you come up with a winning highly profitable idea for your digital real estate
  • Then show you, step by step; how to build out your entire digital real estate & how to package it in such a way that people can pay you as much as $500 (N370k) just to access it.
  • And Finally show you how to get your first 10-70 paying clients.

If you fix These 3 Problems then You Can Finally Own Your Own
Profitable Digital Real Estate!

Introducing My 6 Months One-on-One Coaching Program!

An Intensive Coaching Program That Takes You From IDea
to Launch Stage With Your First Digital Real Estate! 


A profitable digital real estate does not need LOTS of customers to make you money.

Imagine if you sold access to your digital real estate for $500 (N370,000), And you advertised to 5000 people in ONE YEAR

If only 70 out of that 5,000 people say yes to your offer in a year; that is a $35,000 Income (25.9 Million).

Which means all you need is just 70 clients to smile to the bank. It is an easy number to get, but first you need a hot idea people would be willing to pay for & a way to attract the people willing to pay for it: 

There are two ways to go about this: 

One - attempt a series of ‘’trial & error’’ efforts & hope you get it right, 

Or Two (which is the best way) work with an expert who has done it OVER & OVER again to guide you.

Inside this Coaching Program here is what I’ll to do for you

Inside this Coaching Program here is what I’ll to do for you  

Package Your Skills 
Help You Package Your Experience into a Profitable Digital Real Estate

Marketing Materials
Create All The Marketing Materials for That Single Idea

Take Away All The Technicalities And Help You Take All the Marketing Materials Online

Generate Traffic
Help You Start Attracting Hot Ready to Pay Leads & Converting them to Clients

This is everything you need to create your first digital real estate, put it in front of the ‘’right people’’ & get your first batch of paying clients


Here is What You Get In The Program

Week 1. Offer Development 

This is where we go over the entire plan, and come up with your own unique idea - that is specific to your unique skill & experience - then follow our research template to extract the EXACT problems your Core signature Offer will need to solve.

Week 2. Sales Block Set Up

 We will help you package your signature offer & then develop the 3 most important pages for your digital real estate that will attract your ‘’ideal clients’’ to you (ready to pay) - without you ever needing to chase after them. 

Week 3. Launch

  We will take your first Digital Real estate online, ready to get you clients. With all the templates we provide inside the member area you can upload & get to launch FAST

Week 4 - 6. Sales Machine Deployment
This is the part where I show you how to get clients using organic (free traffic method) or Paid ads. We will create 20 FREE content together that will make almost anyone who sees them instantly want to pay for your digital real estate access & I’ll show you how to use Facebook to target & attract people who will be willing to pay you top money to access your digital real estate

This One on One Coaching is For You If…


You have a Stressful job now & want to transition to a less stressful career path that pays more & gives you more free time

You are an Online marketer or Into tech but what you make now is not enough & you want to 10x your income or supplement it with a digital real estate

You are a service provider & you are tired of working on different projects with different clients - and now want ONE OFFER you can scale without doing stressful work every time someone pays you 

You need a passive income assets just like the rich do, and intend to build 4-5 Digital real estate assets on the internet to fund a personal goal or supplement your current income.

By The End of The 6 Months Coaching You’ll Have 

A Hot Selling Membership Offer
...this idea will be fully validated so you get a well packaged offer that is guaranteed to sell

A Fully Built Digital Real Estate Blog 
This is where you would manage, host & sell your Membership offer

Your First Batch of Paying Clients
Help you attract and convert people willing to pay to access your digital real estate

P.S: before you apply & fill the form, please confirm & note that you are aware that the coaching program costs N250,000 & We only accept payment from you only after we check  if you are a perfect fit for this program. 

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