"I’ll Personally Coach You Through The Step-By-Step, Highly Profitable Secret System For Building a Cash-Producing Digital Real Estate on a Simple Blog.....In Less than 4 Months!"

"Watch Over My Shoulder As I take you from Idea stage to Launch & then profit and In Just Days From Now You Can Be Well On Your Way To Creating Your Own Money Making Blogs That Produce Cash On Autopilot!"

I Only Take 10 Students Every Month…Slots are Always Taken…You Can Apply to Join The Waiting List (7 Slots Open for June)

I have been talking about Digital Real estate & Predictive Funnels.

Now, I am ready.

I want to show YOU how to build: 

  • One - a cash-producing Digital real estate you can CREATE with as low as 50,000 Naira & take it to profitability in 3 - 6 months.
  • Then how to BUILD a predictive funnel that will make that Digital real estate to produce a consistent flow of DAILY income. 

This coaching program will last for 2 weeks (every weekday - so it will be very intensive)

Sign up fee is ₦250,000 ($400)

…which is fair, because say the digital cash producing assets I’ll show you how to build produces just ₦50,000 a week (I am being conservative - I have seen people do 800k from it in a single day)

That will be a solid ₦200,000 in a month

₦400,000 in 2 months (and the investment pays for itself)

And you can create up to 2, 3 or even 4 of these digital real estates in as little as 2 weeks & replicate the results.

Also; this coaching program comes with a 100% refund policy.

If you are not satisfied, I don't want your money - ask for it back during the coaching program and I'll give you everything back plus an extra 10k as ‘’apology money’’

However, I don't want everybody. 

You see I am looking for only a certain type of clients that I can work with

So first you’d to apply to join this caching program and if you fit the kind of client i want to work with, I will send you the payment details: 

This is strictly on a first come first served basis

Here are Some of The Secrets
You’ll Learn Inside My Home Study Course

PART 1: Setting Up Your First Digital Real Estate

This Part Contains the Following…

  • ’’My Hot Idea Test’’ - how to find & test whether a blog idea will make you a lot of money or will be a complete failure 
  • An complete overview of how to make money with a simple blog
  • How to pick a piping hot blog niche idea, with ready to buy audience - so you can be 100% sure of making money before you even create a blog
  • The exact process to setting up your first WordPress blog - from scratch even if you are not techy
  • Step by step, how to CREATE cash-pulling blog posts in MINUTES using a simple template; even if you HATE to write
  • How to Automate your entire BLOG SYSTEM with a simple autoresponder that will send daily income to your bank account. 
  • How to Create & install a Lead magnet on your blog to start capturing leads, prospects and raving fans that will give you money.
  •  The 3 types of lead magnets that you can put on your blog right now that will GET you daily leads - easily

PART 2: Selling Out On Your Blog

Inside this section you will discover:

  • How to find ‘’plug & play’’ products to sell on your blog - without doing a single work, so you can start selling & making money almost  immediately
  • The exact types of physical products that sell well on blogs. Miss this part, or sell the wrong thing and your blog will never make a dime
  • How to add ‘’Internet ATM Switch’’ & turn your blog into a PROFITABLE home based business from anywhere in the world & even make money in dollars selling simple info-products on it.
  •   Copywriting 101: How to write a simple sales letter for your products that will send you daily cash alerts to your bank account.

PART 3: How to Build a List of Raving Buyers

Inside this part you will discover secrets like…

  • The exact way to set up a SQUEEZE page, and what words to use on it to repel people that will NEVER buy from you.
  • Exactly how to increase your chances of attracting REAL BUYERS with money in hand, ready to buy. Miss this and you will build a LARGE list of freebie seekers that never buy
  • How to make people see you as an expert, immediately they land on your blog & before a prospect opts into your newsletter/email list. This is the one thing that will make you the most sale on your blog
  • Learn what Single Optins are & how to use them to get serious leads.
  •  The exact preframe blog article format you can use  to build a list and why using just a "Squeeze pages" or offering a lead magnet will kill any single chance you will have to make money from your blog
  • How to write email follow ups that "hypnotizes" your prospect & grabs them by the throat in such a way that they’d desperately wait for your next email to arrive
  • How to Automate all your blog posts & email follow ups using a simple auto-responder, such that your blogs make money even if you are sleeping, hanging out or just goofing about.
  •  How to make more money reselling more things to people that have bought from you before.

PART 4: Sending Buyers’ Traffic to Your Blog

Inside this part you’d see:

  • How to build your blog today & get a LARGE traffic of people visiting it by next weekend - even if no one knows you now.
  • A step by step guide to creating a simple Facebook & Instagram ad that follows your ideal customer all over the internet till they buy from you.
  • A simple ‘’Buyers targeting’’ method you can use to find people most likely to buy from you using facebook

PART 5: The 7 Figure Blog Path

Here you will discover the following secret… 

  • How to make 3X more money from your previous customer, and exactly how to get them to buy - over & over again.
  • A step by step to what a product funnel is and how to set it up - fast.
  • How to use a simple sales funnel to make a daily income from your blog audience, and exactly how to convert that daily income into 7-figures
  • How to automate your product funnel to sell all of your products to customers when you are not there.
  •  Why having a Youtube Channel can help you attract foreign audiences to your blog & help you make money in dollars, plus exactly how to start one

And When You Set Everything Up, Here is what will happen next…

First you’d get your first sales, and it would leave you surprised -

Then you will get another, and another and before the end of your first month you’d have made more money in ONE MONTH than you have made in the past 6 months of your life.

Then i can bet what will happen next after this -

First, your lifestyle would instantly improve…then you’d probably buy a new laptop, or a new iPhone..or get a new car…because now that one website is sending you money anytime you want, just by turning on your ad.

This is the point where people around you usually sense that your life has taken a different turn, and then usually the next step most people i teach this do is:

…they buy a car, take a trip outside the country and begin to take more good care of the people they love.

And all this result will happen just because of the Blog secrets + the ‘’powerful’’ Internet ATM Switch method you’ll learn from this home study course

Let Me Sweeten The Deal Up For You

You’ll Also Get Eleven Additional Bonuses

You see, I like to over-deliver & give my absolute best in whatever I do,
- which is why when you invest in this home study course right now, 
you’ll also get 12 of some of my NEWEST video courses packaged & sent to you - for FREE. 

Hot Bonus 1

One Year Free FollowUp in the Community (Value - ₦69,000)

Asides joining THOUSANDS of others who will pay for this home study course, I will also personally get my team to follow up on your progress to be sure you are getting results from everything you learn, for ONE FULL YEAR. 

Why am I willing to go this extra mile? 

It is simple, in fact there is almost a selfish reason why I want to make sure you succeed - It is because if you succeed, you get to send me a testimony & when you send me a testimony I can show it off & brag about how good I am. Your success makes me look good, which makes me 100% interested in making it happen.  

Hot Bonus 2

Community (Value - ₦10,000)

Everyone doesn't learn at the same pace; some learn fast & some others take a little bit of time. I understand this - so I have put together a community to make sure NOBODY is left behind.

Once you get this home study course, I will put you in a GROUP with other people like you who are building their own blog. You can partner, ask questions & get answers - in minutes.

Which means no matter what, this ensures you get results and actually start making money with all the secrets i will share with you.

There is NOTHING like a special group of others like you, where you can ask your questions and also get help when need be.

Hot Bonus 3

The Fast ‘’Money Making Blog’’ SetUp Guide: (Value - ₦19,000)

Let’s say you need to raise money - FAST, and don’t have the time to go through the entire training.

You will need a FAST path to profit, and this is what this guide gives you

Inside this bonus you’ll learn, step by step; how to set up & deploy a ‘’cash-making’’ blog in under 60 minutes - even if you are not techy. I will show you the only 3 pages you need to add on that blog & exactly where to add it in order to start making money from your blog in a matter of days.

Hot Bonus 4

The Hot Offer Template (Value ₦7,500)

Two people can sell the exact same thing, but one will outsell the other.


Because of his offer.

Without a good offer, your blog will not make money. This is where the hot offer template comes in.

In this bonus video course you will see exactly how to make sizzling hot mouth-watering offers that people cannot resist - In fact, using this template helps you to know whether your blog will make money before you even create it.

Hot Bonus 5

The Killer Sales Script Template (Value - ₦12,000)

If you have read up until now, you want what I am selling

you know why?

Because there is a way you write that gets people interested in whatever you sell. I write that way & It is called writing a ‘’sales script’’

In fact, all the posts i have ever sent you, including this page you are on right now is a sales script, if you have stayed on it up until this point; it only means one thing:

You want to buy what I sell & my ‘’sales scripts’’ made you want it. Which means - it works!

In this Bonus; I'll show you how to create highly persuasive sales scripts like i do. This page for example makes about 100+ sales a week from all the traffic that gets sent to it.

Do the math; that is a solid N3.5M income. I will show you how to come up with yours, & then how to plug it into your own blog & ‘’activate’’ it to bring sales to your bank account.  

Wait, There is more…you also get: 

Hot Bonus 6

The One Video Sales System (Value - ₦35,000)

When people want to sell online - they create tons & tons of content on social media, which is stressful & a truckload of work.

But what if there were things to say & show in ONE SINGLE video, that will replace all the multiple videos you will ever create.

Then imagine if this video sells to people for you, automatically, 24/7 - taking and sending orders every day people watch it, even while you are away!

This bonus gives you a FULL BREAKDOWN on how to pull this off -

With this you do not need to make so much contents online to make sales:



…and profit!

Hot Bonus 7

The Self Liquidating Squeeze Page (Value ₦35,000)

Getting people to opt into your LIST is free.

But what if there was a way to get 1 out of every 4 persons that opt into your list to give you money.

The only way to do this is by installing something called ‘’The Self-Liquidating Squeeze Page’’ on your blog.

In this bonus video course I'll show you; how to make money IMMEDIATELY someone opts into your list…using a simple self liquidating squeeze page.

Before I made money from my own email list, it took me 6 months of error and no sales.

…but just this ONE VIDEO COURSE makes sure that you go from launch to profitability very fast with your blog without waiting for even a couple of days!  

Hot Bonus 8

The Customer Stage Map: (Value: 18,000)

There are different kinds of people that will land on your blog.

People that want to buy NOW & people that will wait for a long time before they buy.

How do you know, pick & separate the serious persons from people who are not ready to buy yet, and how do you make them buy now?

This bonus video course contains - step by step exactly how to do this, plus how to predict the exact type of people that will buy a product you are selling - so you can focus on them & make the most sales.

Then it shows you how to create super targeted, super persuasive mini-sales messages that will help you sell hundreds of copies of what you sell to them.

I am not done, because you also get: 

Hot Bonus 9

The Machiavellian Copy Guide: (Value - ₦12,000)

Do you HATE writing?

..does the idea of writing blog posts or online contents get you tired & stressed?

What if i could easily turn you into a writing wiz in less than 60 minutes - flat

Oh yes, it is 100% possible.

Inside this bonus video course I'll show you a secret & simple 3 step process of writing blog posts, Instagram description & social media posts FAST, and in such a way that people are literally FORCED to read it from the beginning to the end…

…using this writing style, you will see how to fill your blogs FAST with powerful persuasive contents - even if you totally hate writing now or find it hard writing blog contents.

A simple content like the one you will create with this style contains VERY powerful persuasive triggers that will make people buy whatever you sell.  

Hot Bonus 10

The 7 Figure Launch Plan (Value: 35,000)

Here is a quick free advice about online business;

Making a few thousands online is easy, but making OVER a million easily requires a different set of skills.

If you don’t learn these skills you will always get stuck making very little online.

Inside this bonus video course; I'd show you exactly how to build a list of raving fans, that you can do a major product launch to & quickly put over a million in your bank account - in 5 days or less.

If you are interested in making big bulk money for any personal project, then you will absolutely love this bonus.

Hot Bonus 11

Closing Email Copy Accelerator (Value: ₦12,000)

There are 4 Billion email users in the world, and about $11 Billion is projected to be made from email marketing in 2023 alone.

Not everyone reads their emails, but the people that do (eg: work professionals) read their emails EVERY DAY & they have money to spend.

…if you want to make good money online you need to use email marketing! But a lot of people will struggle today if they start email marketing. First, you need to know how to do the perfect email marketing that brings sales.

This is where ‘’Email Closing Accelerator’’ comes in, we will show you (from scratch) how to set up and turn emails into your personal ATM

All these are a combined total value of 254,500 Naira ($353) - but because i want to make this a complete no brainer for you, and because I want you to be 100% satisfied when you invest in this home study course - I’ll give it to you plus the full home study course for just 35,000 Naira (Only for a limited time)  

Total Value: ₦254,500
Today’s Price - ₦35,000

Here is How This Works

When you click the order button above or below this section, you will be taken to a page where you will fill a little form - and then make payments.

You will have TWO options - either pay with your bank card or do a transfer by following a prompt.

It does not matter if you place an order in the middle of the night, early in the morning or on holiday - everything happens automatically in less than 2 minutes.

Then an email will be sent to you with your login information, follow the instructions inside the email to log into the Home study program & start watching the video courses.

The home study course is exactly like you’d be sitting in with me, and you will be able to watch over my shoulder as I show you - step by step; how to build a blog that pays you a passive income.

You can rewind, pause and rewatch this video as many times as possible.

Once you are done with the main home study course, then you can also delve into the bonuses and watch all of them too at your pace.

Let’s Wrap This Up

Here is a recap of what you are going to get

  1. 1
    The complete Home Study course
  2. 2
    One Year Free FollowUp…a 12 months follow up from my team to make sure you succeed with the home study course.
  3. 3
    Community…an exclusive private group where you can ask questions & network with others like you who invested in this program & are on the same path as you.
  4. 4
    The Fast ‘’Money Making Blog’’ SetUp Guide…a quick, straight to the point video course that runs you through how to set up a money making blog in a single afternoon
  5. 5
    Hot Offer Template…how to come up with sizzling hot product ideas that people will stand in line, begging to buy.
  6. 6
    Killer Sales Script Template…A Step by step video course on how to create super-persuasive sales scripts for any product.
  7. 7
     One Video Sales system…how to create a single video that sells to people for you automatically, 24/7 - taking and sending orders every day people watch it, even while you are away!
  8. 8
    Self-Liquidating Squeeze page…how to set up 2 pages on your blog that will get 1 out of every 4 web-visitors you get to give you money ONCE they land on your blog.
  9. 9
     Customer Stage Guide…how to know your customers & create super targeted, super persuasive mini-sales messages that will help you sell hundreds of copies of what you sell to them
  10. 10
    Machiavellian Copy Guide…the fast complete guide that turns anyone into a writing wiz in 60 minutes - flat
  11. 11
    The 7 Figure Launch Plan…how to do a major product launch that quickly puts a million or more in your bank account - in 5 days or less.
  12. 12
    Closing Email-Copy Accelerator…how to set up and turn people’s email addresses into your personal ATM

You get these 11 Bonuses + My Home study courses
for just 35,000 Naira today.

Why is it a Good Idea to Invest in This Now? 

Let me ask you this:

What if this home study course helps you create ONE BLOG that pays you just ₦50,000 ($69) a week, which is ₦200,000 ($278) - every month, working just a few minutes a day from the comfort of your home.

What will that be worth to you?

Now ask yourself: What if there is even a chance that all the information in this home study course helps you build a blog that solves your money needs every month, or helps you raise money for a personal dream? And finally never have to worry about money again?

How much will that be worth to you? Thousands? Half a million? A Million? More? For most people I know, it’d be priceless.

People spend hundreds of thousands going to a university, for 4 years - just to learn ONE COURSE & get a job.

This Home study course will take you about a day to go through, and immediately have a skill you can use to print money on demand.

I wish I had been able to buy the knowledge, insight & secrets inside this training for exactly this amount when I started.

In fact, everything in this home study course is exactly what I wish someone had revealed to me 7, 8 or even 10 years ago.

And I know you will be glad you made the investment in yourself once you get your first sale from your blog.

This much is for sure: You will always need money,

and In a few months you may have spent the exact price of this home study course on a lot of things that will not bring you money back, or you can learn how to set up a cash-spitting BLOG today and in a month this investment will pay for itself in 1000 folds.

I know what any smart person will do; but the question is - will you do the smart thing too?

Also, I am 100% Sure You’d Love Everything I'll share in this Home Study Course 
that I am Willing to Offer You…

100% 'Better-Than-Risk-Free' Guarantee

In case you have any lingering doubts whatsoever, I want to make this opportunity as risk-free as possible (actually better-than-risk-free).

So I will completely guarantee your success using the strategies I will share with you:

In fact, if after going through the home study course

& you don’t believe it is everything I say it is,

if you are not 100% completely happy with all the money making potential it has for you,

if it doesn’t give you that push to go out and start applying it - send me an email to me on nonsonnamani56@gmail.com and ask for your money back.

…and I will give you back every penny, and apologize for wasting your time.

Why would I make such an insane guarantee in your favor?

The truth is I am not really worried about refunds because I have seen how powerful these tactics I share have been for myself & my other students as well.

In fact, once you get your hands on this information and see the incredible potential, you'd have to be almost insane to turn away:

Total Value: ₦254,500
Today’s Price - ₦35,000

One More Thing!

Studies have shown an important fact about the achievements of most successful people.

They had a mentor - someone who took them under their wing and showed them how things are done. Without this you may spend YEARS doing everything wrong and never getting it right.

A step by step walkthrough with an expert can change your entire life, it did for me when I learnt what I am about to show you!

if you're looking for guidance from someone who has actually done it and is willing to share everything with you - I doubt you'll find many qualified candidates as myself.

A good blueprint like the one I will share with you inside this home study course would have saved me tons of mistakes if I had this same opportunity as you do now.

In fact, my goal when creating this system was to put together everything I wished I could have had when I first started.

Listen, there's something else I need to mention and please don't take it the wrong way:
To me, financially it doesn't matter if you invest in this course or not.

In fact, your decision to get started won't affect my lifestyle one way or another - I already have countless other digital real estate investments that fund my lifestyle.

My company Stakecut.com pays out 50 Million naira monthly to our users.

Look at it this way - with this home study course you will finally have all the secrets you need to create your own fortune online.

So Go ahead. You've got nothing to lose - you owe it to yourself (and your future) to take advantage of this generous "better-than-risk-free" offer.

Total Value: ₦254,500
Today’s Price - ₦35,000

Wishing you Success with Your Blog!


P.S: Every tip, Technique & strategy I share with you in this home study course is a PROVEN WINNER. Remember that i use them myself, i have also shared them with others like you who got results - therefore i am sure they will work for you too

We take your privacy very seriously. Disclaimer: Results will vary, and you should not use this information as a substitute for help from a licensed professional. Good luck!

Copyright © 2023.