Dear Friend,
Let’s continue the series on how you can make money online right here in Africa using a Digital Real Estate. What I’m going to share with you is so valuable that if you listen to me, you will be making an insane amount of money with your own Digital Real Estate. I mean the kind of money that will be more than what any reasonable person can spend.
No Messing Around. Straight To Business.
Where were we?
Okay. We have established that you have to sell online to make money online. I ended my last letter by saying that the questions you need to ask are…
- What should you sell on your Digital Real Estate?
- How will you set it up your Digital Real Estate?
- How will you attract those that will buy your stuff from your Digital Real Estate?
Let’s start with the first question. What should you sell online? The answer is…
It Depends
Hark unto me.
I’m sure some of you are waiting for me to say sell product A or sell product B. Or do this or that.
Na na na na na na na na na na. I’m not going to do that…yet.
I will still tell you how to get started but I need to deal with some deeper stuff. Before you decide on what you want to sell on your own Digital Real Estate, you need to ask yourself this question…
What Do People Want To Buy?
Before you set out to do anything whatsoever you have to decide that you are going to sell only what people WANT to buy.
Are you still with me?
I want you to stay with me here because what I am about to reveal to you will determine whether you will become an Internet millionaire or you will become an ‘’i also ran’’. In fact, this is not just for Internet businesses only. The advice is valuable for your offline businesses as well. Here is the advice…
Sell What People Want To Buy And Not What They Need To Buy
I hope that got you thinking. If it didn’t, it’s either you already know what this means or you should not be in business. Go and find a job.
You see my friend, there is a massive difference between what people want to buy and what people need to buy even though they sound similar.
Let’s assume you sell books and other information materials like I do on your own Digital Real Estate. Someone just supplied you with 1,000 copies each of two titles.
- How to pass JAMB
2. How to relocate to the USA
Now let me ask you. If you have a teenage son you love so dearly, what will be your advice to him at that stage of his life? I’m sure you will advise him to pass JAMB and head to a University.
If you ask 100 teenagers to choose out of two options: to go to a university or to travel to the USA, which one do you think most of them will opt for? Your answer is as good as mine. They NEED to go to school but they WANT to travel abroad. Which of the books will sell more?
Important Note: I’m not saying a book on passing JAMB won’t sell. I used the analogy to make a point. I need to say this ‘cos there are some people that just love arguing. I no get their time at all. They are the kinds of people i call ‘’BlockHeads!’’
Stop talking like most people that say things like…
– Everyone must eat so I will sell food
– Everyone must drink water so I will sell water
– Everyone must put on clothes so I will sell clothes
Yada Yada Yada
Someone told me he was going to sell salt because everyone cooks. I laughed him straight in the face. Come on. If you do a big party, maybe a wedding, you can’t finish a bag of salt. lol
Let me ask you. Which one will succeed faster out of these…
A food canteen or a football viewing center?
A motivational magazine or a football magazine?
Bottled water company or a beer company?
Gosh! I once saw a hungry looking boy (about 13 years old) pay N200 to enter a viewing center. That boy NEEDED food. But he WANTED to watch Chelsea.
I can go on and on. As a small business owner, think of only things people WANT. Leave the big guys to sell NEEDS. I hope I have made my point.
On a personal note, the day I embraced this principle was the day I went to a new level of income. Today, most of what I sell are things people want to buy.
6 years ago I took a break from running a company that taught students how to ‘’read and not forget’’ to selling an eBook on ‘’How to Get a Pretty Girlfriend’’. It sold THOUSANDS of company. While the retention memory eBook didn’t sell more than 20.
I gave up my websites on motivation, business, self development etc to concentrate on travel, entertainment, romance and sex. Why? They sell. Have I been able to convince you? Will you make sure you start by selling only what people want?
Alrighty. Let’s move on.
Here are the next set of questions you must ask yourself.
- Should I be the creator of the product I will be selling?
- Should I become an affiliate? That is selling for others for a commission?
- Should I secure reprint/licensing rights?
When you create your own product, you own it all. If you create a DVD teaching people how to have sex (lol) and you put up a Digital Real Estate (website) to sell it, you are in control. You keep all the money when you make sales.
An affiliate is selling other people’s products for a commission. You help promote and you get a cut. We offer that on my own Digital Real Estate:
You can also secure rights to products and resell. You pay a fee to buy the rights so you can start selling so you keep all the proceeds. See ( or you can get the one that I am giving out in my Academy when you sign up here>>
So we are back to the main question you all want answers to.
What Exactly Should You Sell on Your Own Digital Real Estate?
Let’s cut the bull. What should you sell? Cars, clothes, sex toys, books, advert space, web design service….? Just what?
As a starter, I will want you to go the easy way. I want you to start by selling…
Information Products on Your Digital Real Estates.
Yeah. Start by selling information products on your Digital Real Estate
What are information products?
How will I create them?
How will I sell them?
Can it make me money?
I’ll tell you… but not today. I don tire. Tomorrow when I have the inspiration, I’ll continue. Most likely by 6PM – if you do not get my email then maybe inspiration no come.
See you then.
Your Friend,
Mr. Czar
AKA the Don
I Don’t Want Blockheads In My Academy
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