How To Make Real Money on The Internet Right Here In Africa V (Part 5 of 6)

Dear Friend,


Did you create the account I asked you to yesterday?

That is where we will build YOUR FIRST Digital Real Estate that you can sell Information Products on. If you created it; Go here to Join my Academy & see How to Create your First Digital Real Estate that pays up to 282,000 Naira a Month 


If you haven’t, go and do it now. 


If you’d still drag your feet after this reminder… 


Please Leave My Blog. Now. Also Unsubscribe from my Email List


Winners do what they have to do. No excuses. That task is not even hard. 

You know what is hard? Writing. 


I don’t like writing.


How is this news? Well, I don’t know if it’s news to you but it is news to me. I was surprised when I recently found out that I hate writing. I used to think I liked to write, but I recently discovered that I don’t. I’m the same person and I didn’t even know.


Now before you think I’m smoking some gansta shyte because what I wrote above looks like nonsense, please permit me to explain.


You see, years back I used to do a lot of writing. I wrote articles for social media, blogs; all sorts. I also wrote a lot of ebooks on different topics for my digital real estates. I wrote on success, direct marketing, business registration,  etc


Heck… I Even Wrote on How To Get A Girlfriend


But as my business started to grow and the money began to roll in, I began to lose interest in writing. Or let me put it this way, I began to discover that my enthusiasm to write years earlier was borne out of my desire to make money…


And Not Because I Liked Writing.


Come to think of it, does anyone actually like writing? Those that I know that write a lot do it because that is where they make their money. Some write novels, some write non fiction books, some are newspaper editors and so on. It is very hard to see those that write diligently just for fun.


Rather than writing, there are more interesting and enjoyable things one can do.


– Reading what someone else has written (like you are doing now)

– Eating

– Watching a movie

– Flying to exotic places around the world

– Hanging with friends

– Drinking Champagne

Etc Etc Etc




But do you know why I still write even though I HATE writing? Because it makes me money – a lot of it. 


Which brings me to the next thing you need to do after creating that account i just asked you to (for your Digital Real Estate): 


You need to write a sales copy.


A sales copy (you can call it a sales letter, a sales pitch or whatever) according to me;  is a document whose contents are put together for one single reason…


To Take Action. 

That action can be to pay money, to sign up for free information via email, to pick up your phone and reserve a seat for a seminar or whatever you require.


Let me show you an example.


Here is a websites with a short copy. 

That sales copy has only one aim. That aim is to get you to sign up for a free report via email.


It is a very important skill so do all you can to learn it. If you master it, you can literarily (did I spell that right? Whatever!) make money out of thin air selling access to your Digital Real Estate & information products. 


You can use it to…


Sell Almost Anything To Anybody on the Internet.


I explained how to write a money-pumping Sales Letter inside the Digital Real Estate Academy. Go here to Join now


Let me give you a quick tip about sales letter writing.


The headline is the most important aspect. You need to get people to read what your website is about within 5 seconds. These days, people don’t have time to waste on one website. There is facebook, youtube, twitter and the rest taking the attention of people away so you have to hook them right away.


That is the job of the headline.

Here is an example of a sales copy asking people to buy one of my information products: 


You need to put a sales like that together for your own information product. If you can’t, you can hire a top copywriter to do it for you. I can recommend one or two for you. Don’t bother asking me to do it for you because I don’t have the time.


Going forward.


You need to get traffic to your Digital Real Estate. That is you need to attract people to come to your website. If people do not come to your website, your business is dead. If people do not come to your webiste, no one will read your sales letter and…


No One Will Buy Your Products.


So you need to go out there and promote using both free and paid techniques. You need to do some basic search engine optimization so google can send traffic to you. You need to buy google or facebook  ads, you need to know how to get traffic from facebook, youtube, free online articles on your wall, etc. Start learning these things.


Without traffic, your website is doomed.


What’s next?


Build A List…


And Follow Up on Them.


This is very very important. Have you been to a website where you are asked to put down your email address? I’m sure you have. There is a reason for it. They want to follow up on you.


As a smart marketer, you don’t have to go out everytime to look for fresh traffic. You can always sell to your existing traffic.


You can only do this if you “capture” their details.


How will you do that? Simple. Use an autoresponder. Go to and sign up for a free version. Learn more about it. There are loads of tutorials on that website.


So that is it. I have put together what you need to get started online. Once you get the basics right and you begin to make money, you can start experimenting with more complex projects.


That is what I did.


I’m not better than you. If I can do it, you can do it as well.

In fact; If you want me to help you do everything I have explained on this page, Go here to Join my Academy & see How to Create your First Digital Real Estate that pays up to 282,000 Naira a Month 


Where I’ll help you build a full Digital Real Estate, help you put an Information product inside, help you launch it to the internet & help you make your first ONE MILLION naira from it – guaranteed.

This is a chance of a lifetime. 


Your Friend,

Mr. Czar
AKA Odogwu
AKA the Guru


PS: I talked about Champagne earlier on and it has reminded me of something.  A Magazine reported that Nigerians drink more than half a million bottles of champagne annually. That is the highest in Africa, more than double South Africa.


What does this mean to you? It means Nigerians can pay premium prices for good products so don’t be afraid to price your products right.


PPS: Most of the champagnes are sold at nightclubs. A bottle of Moet Rose in the market is about ₦32,660. Can you guess how much they are sold at night clubs in Victoria Island, Lagos where most are consumed?




If people can buy that champagne for N150,000 in a nightclub , there are people who can buy access to your Digital Real Estate & information product for ₦32,660 (The price of Moet in the market)

If just 10 people buy a month that is ₦320,660

Imagine what you could do with an extra ₦320,660 if it starts coming in consistently.

Go here to Join my Academy & see How to Create your First Digital Real Estate that pays a Consistent Income



16 responses to “How To Make Real Money on The Internet Right Here In Africa V (Part 5 of 6)”

  1. Azinwi Charles Avatar
    Azinwi Charles

    Great boss, waiting for tomorrow live

  2. Temidayo Akinsola Avatar
    Temidayo Akinsola

    This is very innovative
    I love it
    Mind opening and couple with financial freedom

  3. Gerald Avatar

    Very convincing strategies i believe will work, there is no doubt, it boils down to sheer optimism and drive to succeed. Let’s Ride !!!

  4. Chimezie Nwaigwe Avatar
    Chimezie Nwaigwe

    Please I’m really in need of digital real estate course

    I want to pay now

  5. Lilungwe Mukande Avatar

    I have done what you wanted me to do.
    Thanks Mr Czar

  6. WAHAB YUNUSA Avatar

    Have created the systemei account

  7. Lizzie Lubuta Matafwali Avatar

    I have created a account. I’m looking forward to NEXT

  8. Joseph Avatar

    I have created a system account and ready to go.

  9. Chi Ernest Nde Avatar
    Chi Ernest Nde

    Enjoying this.

  10. Mohamed Ben Moussa Avatar

    Thanks for more information

  11. Waheed Avatar

    I have created an account with but I have not paid the subscription fee.

  12. Kpamegan marcel Avatar

    I have open the system account sir

  13. Bem Florence Mwuese Avatar
    Bem Florence Mwuese

    So capturing, u’re a blessing to this generation.

  14. Emma Ekwu Avatar
    Emma Ekwu

    Have been encouraged by what I’ve learnt so far.
    Have opened the systeme Io account and ready to pay for the course.

  15. Emma Ekwu Avatar
    Emma Ekwu

    Have created the systeme account.
    Want to pay for the Digital Real Estate, but don’t have the app to make transfer . So , how do l make payment pls ?

  16. PLR Article Blogging Avatar

    It’s really good to find great content such as this. Continue the good work.

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